HannahJuly's Badge

Best Pet Blingee Competition 1000+ points Score more than 1000 points in a Best Pet Blingee Competition

Blingees that won this badge

(Blue Macaw)
=Chocolate Lab Pup=
#Goddard will do a trick#
Défi Winter Fantasy a Dominance Bleu - My Entry #1
Anime Girl with Cat - My Entry #II
Winter Cats - My Entry #1
Winter Cats - My Entry #4
Winter Cats - My Entry #3
Premier Défi Bonne Année 2018 Or -  My Entry #4 - Faline

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Likes Achievement Likes Achievement

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Best Emo Blingee Competition Rank #1 Best Emo Blingee Competition Rank #1

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Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement Blingee Custom Hompage Achievement

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