~*~ Oren Ishi ~*~ .........Kill Bill ;)

~*~ Oren Ishi ~*~  .........Kill Bill  ;)
......I believe this is the only warrior that Beartix (the bride) did not really and truly want to fight. She had to.. it was a matter of honor, it was not bushido to leave one of those who helped murder her out of her list of revenge. Yet, Oren Ishi had a similar story. Her parents killed in front of her eyes as a child, she grew up swearing revenge as the Bride did. She got her revenge, and after that remained a warrior by assasinating those who were corrupt.. this led to her becoming a part of the Tokyo crime scene however. And as her craving for power increased, so did her ability to kill. She would not let anything stand in her way now. Not until she WAS the crime boss that she saw kill her father. She became just that too. But on the way to the top she forgot her honor in one killing. Beatrix. Simply because her old master asked her to come to help assasinate Beatrix for breaking his heart, she came. The last thing she needed was a fight with her former mentor and her own family of fellow students. They all came to the aid of Bill. As they stood over Beatrix, who was attacked while in her wedding dress, without a weapon to defend herself, and after watching all of her friends, the church members, and her husband to be die at their hands... Beatrix looked up at them. She studied their faces. Each with a different look on their face. Cold snakes indeed.. but each different. Bud (bills brother) almost had a look of sympathy on his face.. he later would regret what he did that day and tell Bill so when he said to him "That girl, deserves her revenge. And..we deserve to die." However, Oren had a look that seemed to be far away, distant.. anyone could see that she had just about become the monster that she fought and brought her revenge upon as a little girl.. but could she? Lust for power and a heart grown cold. Only Oren could answer that. Did she regret what she did that day? That she attacked a woman, a sister really as they were fellow students of Bill's.. when that sister had no weapon. That she did it when Beatrix was in her wedding dress.. with her only friends, her only fiance, and on top of all this, while Beatrix was noticably pregnant? ...only Oren knew the answer to that. 4 years went by before she would hear Beatrix call out her name and say "you and I have unfinished business.." -- Watch the duel between the two when they are alone, in the snow. Oren tests Beatrix to see if the bride really was Just "a little blonde white girl (who) likes to play with samurai swords". She finds out, she isn't. Its as if Oren lied to herself about beatrix so she could forget the matter entirely. Now that Beatrix was back.. and they dueled so much the same, with equal talents, and Beatrix now with the equal lust for revenge that Oren once had..... things had changed. Oren goes on to apologize to beatrix.. for ever doubting her ability. She also sees a moment in which she could KILL Beatrix right out. She slashes her and Beatrix lands in the snow belly up. BUT... Oren Ishi does not kill her. Instead she honors Beatrix by saying to her "..you may not be able to fight like a samurai, but you can at least die like one.." inviting her to rise up and fight again. Giving Beatrix one more chance. The duel continues.. and that chance proves to be the death of Oren. But not before Beatrix cuts Oren in the side and pauses. They both look to eachother.. each one knowing they are equal in talents.. neither truly knowing which will die and which will live. But Beatrix steady, knowing this is the way it must be. Its then that you hear "..come at me, with all that you have..." .....and the death of Oren comes quickly.. without much pain, as she falls to the snow as beautifully as a white flake of snow.. that came once, and went just as quickly.. just as beautifully.. her time.. up. Beatrix is left alone then. And she collapses to sit near the ground .. and drop her sword. Oren Ishi is the first one Beatrix goes after.. and to me it truly seems she is the one woman she most would have wanted to let go........ (later in the film its apparent her rage is now even higher after the death of Oren.. she tells the kidnapped aid to tell Bill simply that she wants them ALL to know that "they'll all soon be.. as dead.. as Oren." No one else would have the power to affect Beatrix's heart during battle as Oren did. Even as she fights Bill, she feels nothing but the true sureness of a warrior, until he is finally dying. ......to me that makes Oren one of the most Special characters in the entire 2 films.
создатель: mzselinakyle

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toolinn пишет:

5294 дня назад
an awsome movie, i loved it!

swtjade пишет:

5315 дней назад
I really liked the movie, her and uma were good actresses...

Andzelina пишет:

5333 дня назад

ptiloup29 пишет:

5345 дней назад
super fantastique + 55555

aliceiris711 пишет:

5345 дней назад
This is the scene I'm talking about (1:32)
The Bride Vs O-Ren Ishii & The Crazy 88's : Kill Bill 
The Bride & Crazy 88's

In their last fight Oren gave The Bride her prop's before the Bride got "the last lick"..."lick" meaning the last "hit"

The Bride Vs O-Ren Ishii

aliceiris711 пишет:

5345 дней назад
I loved her in Kill Bill. So much I was disappointed in Kill Bill 2 because she wasn't in the movie as much. Gosh, didn't she and the blonde have chemistry? I wanted them to kiss in the last fight scene and when the blonde fought the crazy 88 or all those dude's & the school girl before she fought Oren, the fear om Oren's eyes was amazing. She got killed but, she whipped ass...I loved the scene in the food resturant though, when you could see the fear in Oren's eye's.

Leyendd пишет:

5345 дней назад

mejserr пишет:

5346 дней назад
Luv her in the movie... she was bad... but stunning... and her story was sooooo sad.

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