All we know is brand new riot -PART 1- Joshjoshjosh

All we know is brand new riot -PART 1- Joshjoshjosh
Hayley sat down in her room and could'nt help but think of early today. Her and Josh had gone out shopping for outfits for there new music video "brick by boring brick." She thought of his smiling face...had he gazed into her eyes that afternoon??? She was sure he had. Never mind a crushcrushcrush this was a joshjoshjosh she thought to herself. OMG she was love, pure love for joah was spreading through her body. Every time she thought of him her heart would beat furiously and butterflies would flutter in her stomach. "Oh Josh" She said aloud. "If only you knew how much I love you." She finished and then sighed deeply. Then thr phone rang causing her to jump up. Maybe it was Josh she thought. She rushed to the phone. Without thinking she picked it up and ansawerd. "Hey Josh!" She said happily. Then another familiar voice replyed. "Err no it's free tonight Jeremy is having a party over at his I said I'd call you and ask." He said with suspision. Hayley went bright red, how could she have been so stupid to ansawer to Josh before she knew it was him. The tone of Zac's voice made her sure that he was on to something. "Yeah of course, what time?" She asked Zac. "Around half seven til late." He said. "I'll be there." She put down the phone and lay on her bed. She knew that Josh would be there. Tonight she would make a move.
gemaakt door: cullengirl4

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3 graphics were used to create this "all we know is falling" picture.
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breakingdawn101 zegt:

5332 dagen geleden
awesome, but ummm... hayley knows he's mine right?

JonasLover4ev... zegt:

5332 dagen geleden
omg nell u started a lil paramore story!
Omg ur soo in a parmore mood today!
I love it!

VictorFan zegt:

5332 dagen geleden
Beautiful! :-) 

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