Ima Monster! Chapter 3- Lose Control

Ima Monster! Chapter 3- Lose Control
Chapter 3- Lose Control ************************************************* "CASSIE!!! GET DOWN HERE!!!" Cassie ran down the stairs with her bag, "im here." I could barely control my excitment, 2day was the day of the BOTDF concert... problem was getting us both in as 18.. I'd find a way.. but rite now all that mattered was getting out of the house in one peice with everthing. "Kaley, why do we need to bring it all with us. we dn't even know if we'll get there and b the 2 ppl in line" Cassie sighed and started toward the door. "come on its not THAT bad, what do u all pack that's so heavy anyway?" I followed her out the door and to the car. "What do u think?" she stopped and pulled the truck hood open. "Idk, few CD's to play in the car and yea idk." I shrugged and fixed my shirt. "Figures." She threw her bag into the trunk and got into the car. I threw my bags in, shut the trunk, and started digging in my pockets for the keys, "CASSIE!" Cassie opened the door and looked at me, "what?" "Where's the keys?" she rolled her eyes laffing "in the car, the cars on, Kaley." I blushed, embarressed. I geuss i didn't know the car was on.. it was so quiet. I need a louder car, or a pick-up would b nice.. "Ok.. oops." I walked over to my side and climbed in. "Wait.. ur 15 how can u drive without a resonsible adult?" Cassie looked at me with wide eyes. I laffed, "that's why im going to get my friend Kelly to come with, hes going to drive us. But I have to pick him up." "Oh.. ok that works i geuss." She shook her head confused. I got out my phone and called Kelly. ************************************************* I got the name Kelly from Top Shot. hehe i was just thinking of that show and i needed a name for a guy
создатель: Elk1000

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Для создания этой картины "monster hunter 3" было использовано 8 рисунков.
red bg - Risiana
Stars Background
Large Scratchy Black & White Frame  **d/n/b/**
broken heart
DV and JVM
Fiocco Grigio
red black



xxRockfanxx пишет:

5049 дней назад
HAHA Nice!!! It wasn't boring, it was awesome!!! 
5/5 & in my favs!

PS: Top Shot is an awesome show! Kelly rocks! XD

bukuya пишет:

1 день назад

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