My Top 80 Horror Movies

My Top 80 Horror Movies
80. The Ring- 2002, 79. Black Christmas- 2006, 78. Cabin Fever 2002, 77. Dead Snow- 2009, 76. Nosferatu- 1922, 75. Death Proof- 2007, 74. Dawn of the Dead- 2004, 73. Black Sheep- 2006, 72. Blood Feast- 1963, 71. The Day the Earth Stood Still- 1951, 70. The Howling- 1981, 69. Cube- 1997, 68. The Fog- 1980, 67. The Mummy- 1932, 66. Jurrasic Park- 1993, 65. King Kong- 1933, 64. Hellraiser- 1987, 63. Flower of Flesh and Blood- 1985, 62. Nosferatu- 1979, 61. The Blair Witch Project- 1999, 60. Resident Evil- 2002, 59. Alligator- 1980, 58. Hostel Part ||- 2007, 57. The Sixth Sense- 1999, 56. The Omen- 1976, 55. An American Werewolf on London, 54. The Rocky Horror Picture Show- 1975, 53. Bram Sotcker's Dracula-1992, 52. The Hills Have Eyes- 1977, 51. Freaks- 1932, 50. 28 Weeks Later- 2007, 49. Saw- 2004, 48. Sweeney Todd- 2007, 47. Hostel- 2005, 46. IT- 1990, 45. The Grugde- 2002, 44. A Nightmare on Elm Street- 1984, 43. A Child's Play- 1988, 42. Drag Me to Hell- 2009, 41. Poltergeist- 1982, 40. Candyman- 1992, 39. Pranormal Activity- 2009version, 38. From Dusk Till Dawn- 1996, 37. Videodrom- 1983, 36. The Wolfman- 1941, 35. Aliens- 1986, 34. Carrie- 1976, 33. Dracula- 1931, 32. Rosemary's Baby- 1968, 31. The Mist- 2007, 30. The Host- 2006, 29. Scream- 1996, 28. The Fly- 1986, 27. The Descend- 2005, 26. Frankenstein- 1931, 25. The Birds- 1963, 24. 30 Days of Nights- 2007, 23. Jaws- 1975, 22. Jacob's Leadder- 1990, 21. Alien- 1979, 20. Shaun of the Dead- 2004, 19. Evil Dead ||- 1987, 18. Let the Right One In- 2008, 17. Eraserhead- 1977, 16. A Tale of Two Sisters- 2003, 15. The Thing- 1982, 14. C'est Arrivé près de chez vous- 1992, 13. 28 Days Later- 2002, 12. Dawn of the Dead- 1978, 11. Ringu- 1998, 10. REC- 2005, 9. Cannibal Holocaust- 1980, 8. The Silince of the Lambs- 1991, 7. Psycho- 1960, 6. The Shining- 1980, 5. Se7en- 1995, 4. 1408- 2007, 3. The Exorcist-1973, 2. Halloween- 1978, 1. The Texas as Chainsaw Massacre- 1974.
Créé par: potame45

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