Would Anyone Miss Me?

Would Anyone Miss Me?
Sean and Naome had been sitting in silence for some time. The fire crackled under the willow trees surrounding them. The sky was draped in twinkling stars, and a chilling air was beginning to pick up.They had only met not even three hours ago, and they had already escaped the strangling protection of their city. Naome's translucent figure allowed the light of the fire to pass through, only to fall upon the ground behind her. Sean got up enough courage to ask her one quetion: "Why are you here?" ~ Naome took her time answering to this question. "We all have a purpose, Sean. Mine is more complicated than you would think." She snuck up closer to the fire. She had only a gingham dress on, and the cold must've been getting to her. "I was born into a poor family. My father had died only a few days after my arrival into the world, and my mother had never been more devestated. She never seemed to care anymore, or so she told me, and she was close to suicidal." At these thoughts, Naome shuddered. The thought of her mother brought back terrifying memories. Yet, she continued. "One day, when I was eight, my mother was forced to give up her home to theives. They were armed with knives that were sharp enough to cut through even the thickest of skin. This, I found out the hard way. My mother stood her ground, and when she refused to let them get even close to me, they..." Naome shifted uncomfortably. "They slit her throat." Naome wiped a tear from her cheek. She'd never thought of that day since only three years ago, and it still hurt as bad as if it were just yesterday. ~ "I was scarred for the rest of my life," Naome continued, Sean intently listening. "I couldn't go to sleep after that. I ended up fleeing to the woods just outside of town, hoping no one would find me. I spent four long years of my life like this. One Autumn day, however, I decided upon visiting my mother's house. I could distincly remember where it was, and it looked terrible. The door hung open on one hinge, waiting to invite another victim. I stepped inside, hoping to find better than what was outside. To my dread, I saw... terrible things...." ~ Naome continued her story with an edge in her voice. "The walls were splattered with what assumed was my mother's blood. A body wrapped in black lay in the center of the room: a warning for trespassers. A large knive was stabbed in her heart, and a pool of blood lay under her. I looked upon it to find out it was my mother. I couldn't take this, my mind was spinning, thoughts of love and hate fished in and out of my brain. In my desparate thinking, almost unknowingly, I tied myself a noose (my mother had taught me for emergencies) and I pulled a chair up next to her. I dropped my dearest bunny, given to me at birth, onto the floor face down. I took the knife in my mother's body and sliced my palm, knowing I wouldn't need it any longer. I wrote "Would anyone miss me?" On the far wall, and fixed myself upon the chair. With one step, my life changed." With that, Naome sat back, glad that she could finally relax.~~ End (for now!!) ;)
создатель: AFImonkey12

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Для создания этой картины "miss me" было использовано 6 рисунков.
Glittery Star -Small-
transparent gold glitter
transparent white  pd
Simple Brown Pattern




2673 days назад
this is NOT the answer to any problem

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