Versailles Philharmonic Quintet (ヴェルサイユ・フィルハーモニック・クインテット)

Versailles Philharmonic Quintet (ヴェルサイユ・フィルハーモニック・クインテット)

For all Versailles fans!

  • Создатель: 鳥-ガゼット
  • Количество участников: 20
  • Количество Blingee: 51
Записаться в эту группу!
Versailles (known as Versailles -Philharmonic Quintet- in the United States) is a Japanese metal band formed in 2007. It is composed of several notable figures in the visual kei scene. Versailles' key characteristics are their rococo-esque costumes, dueling guitar sounds and heavy but melodic arrangements.


    * Kamijo – vocals (2007–present)
    * Hizaki – guitar, backing vocals (2007–present)
    * Teru – guitar, backing vocals (2007–present)
    * Masashi – bass (2010–present)
    * Yuki – drums (2007–present)

Former member

    * Jasmine You – bass (2007–2009)†

          o Although deceased, the band considers Jasmine You an "eternal member".


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обновил: 鳥-ガゼット, 4832 дня назад
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