Mrs.D.777™ / Punk Rock Betty™

I'm different then most people you will meet. I have my own sense of style and really don't care what others think of it. I'm there for my Family and Friends when they are in need. However; I don't like being taken for granted and me being the only one to put my foot forward and the other person or person's doing nothing but sitting there. Relationships "Family, Friends" whatever it may be are a two way street, not a one way. If someone can't meet me half way in something then there is no point at all.
I don't regret doing anything in my past, I only regret the things I didn't get to do. I don't look at the past anymore, Life is so much more important then that. I look at what I have now and what got me here. I learn from my mistakes so that I may never make the same one twice.
I also have two children that love me to to no end, and a husband that would be willing to do anything or go to the end of the world to make me happy. Last of all if you don't like me, that's not my problem it's yours!


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  • Жетонов: 7
  • Золотых Blingee: 0
  • Серебряных Blingee: 0
  • Внесенных штампов: 0
  • Открытки: 0

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