
Hello! My name is Andreea! My favorite stars are Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez and many others. I like cats very much!
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I love my friends and everyone is a person of confidence! 
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We kiss and I want to say a sincere 'Bye!

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  • Сколько раз был(а) в Центре внимания: 0
  • Жетонов: 8
  • Золотых Blingee: 0
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  • Внесенных штампов: 0
  • Открытки: 0

Мои конкурсные работы

Miley Cyrus
Demi Lovato
Просмотреть больше



sandra_skc пишет:

5383 дня назад
hey do not know how to write in English so little, not looking for the law and I can not online with naleść stronki sessions with Miley Cyrus is to report to you with the help if you know a site to send me a link to it please

rocky106 пишет:

5463 дня назад
Please please rate this picture !!
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