Enchanted n Awestruck

Happily cohabitating with my fu-hubby I met online in FUBAR! I don't work outside my home; I have my dad with Parkinson's that I help here. It's a 24/7 job, but I know it's worth it ~ he's been here for me all my life & I love returning the favor during his illness. 
Being home with Dad has led to my online world and I love it! I've met the most wonderful man I'm truly in love with and he's come here to live with me. We run a lounge on FUBAR -hit me up for invite to FUBAR and the Hott Lips! lounge, we'd love to meet you!
I'm looking forward to making the pix with Blingee and posting them on my FUBAR profile and using them to comment friends' pages. I love my fu-family!
I'm just like me online and in r/l - don't like phonies, me. I've been around the U.S. in a big truck with my late hubby that was a truck driver. I've been around many places on the Harleys too, and going to NASCAR races. My interests are FUBAR (Hott Lips! RAWKS!) Harleys & riderz! My Mustang GT! AeroSmitH! Skynyrd! Making new friends! Taking care of my family! Going back to Tombstone AZ on the bike! Making Bike Week in Daytona once! Partying with my m/c buds at rallies and poker runs! Dancing every chance I get! SMILEZZZ!


  • Сколько раз был(а) в Центре внимания: 0
  • Жетонов: 0
  • Золотых Blingee: 0
  • Серебряных Blingee: 0
  • Внесенных штампов: 135
  • Открытки: 0

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