A bloody past ~*pt.6*~

A bloody past ~*pt.6*~
Cream:Is she ok?/Tails:I sure hope so...she's really ingured./Knuckles:Maybe she's dead.../Amy:*hits him with hammer*SHUT UP!!! SHE'S GONNA BE OK!!! >:(/Silver:I have one quetion...why is she dressed like that?/Sonic:U should ask her if she wakes up./Lola(me):*wakes up* Um,were am I?/Silver:Your save young mobian.../Knuckles:For now.../Amy:*hits him with hammer again* Stop scaring her!!!*groans angry*/Knunkles:O.O/Cream:What's your name?/Lola(me):I'm Lola.../Tails:Nice 2 meet U Lola! :D/Lola(me)Thanks. ^^/Silver:Why are U dressed like that??/Lola(me):Uhh well...I have no idea!!!?Knuckles:Well,whatever she's in she looks pretty HOT!!!/Amy:*hits him with hammer really hard*/Knuckles:OWW!!!STOP HITTING ME!!!/Lola(me): O.O/Tails:STOP IT U GUYS!!!/Sonic:You'll get used 2 it./Silver:I'll be there watching TV...*sits on couch and turns on the news* HEY GUY!!! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS!!/*everybody looks at TV*/News reporter:*on TV* "The police have informed of a total chaos on a house catching fire 'by accident'.They informed us that one mobian died inside the fire.He was identify by Randy the Porcupine,but they found some scrachs and scars all over his corps,so this is identified as a murder on the loose."/Lola(me)*gasps* Oh no!!! *whimpers and starts crying blood*/Sonic:Are U ok??/Lola(me)It was all my fault!!! I've should't run away!!!*cries more*/Tails:Lola, your- YOUR BLEEDING!!!?Lola(me):Oh,that's normal...*cleans cheeks* He will pay what he did!!!! *grabs coat*/Sonic:WAIT!!!/Lola(me):Huh?/Sonic:If your going,we will 2!!!/Amy:Yeah!!/Knuckles:*cracks knuckles*/Tails:OK!!/Lola(me):Ok!! U guys are so cool!!!/Shadow:*walks in*I'll go 2./Lola(me): :)/Shadow:But U need weapons...*pulls out a bags full of guns*?Sonic WOW!! So many guns!!!/Lola(me):AWESOME!!! Oh, I want this one!!! *grabs tommygun* ♥w♥ /Everyone:O.O'/Shadow:Sure?/Lola(me):Great!!! Now,let get the piece of s**t down for good! *evil grin* *~END OF PART 6~* [LOL!!! A TOMMYGUN IS A GIANT GUN!!!! XD]
erstellt von: kokoro498

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sonicrocks sagt:

Vor 4873 Tage
storm: what the fudge amy stop hiting knuckles he did not do enything to you.

AngelTheHedgegog sagt:

Vor 4873 Tage

naomi6246 sagt:

Vor 4874 Tage
Naomi-YAY!!U GOT A GUN!!!*pulls out her GIANT swrod that belonged to her mom b4 she died* Let's go get that basterd!! XD


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