new charrie <33 Natasha :D {readdd} <---

new charrie <33 Natasha :D {readdd} <---
Name:Natasha ~~~ Gender:girl ~~~ Type:dog ~~~ Crush:naaa ~^^~ hahaha OwO ~~~ Mate:maybbee latter onn ^^ ~~~~ Son(s):none ~~~ Daughter(s):none ~~~ Brother(s):none ~~~ Sister(s):none ~~~ Mom:she iz in the pound T^T // Dad:hez withh myy mom.... ~~~ ID Now: ~~~ First Pic Made: ~~~ Other Info:shez verryy sweeet ndd lovves livin in the forestt ^^ itz safter then townn T^T shez afraid of goin to the poud thattz yy Dx ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me:soooo haarrrd to makke thizz Dx myy computter has been messsin upp soooo baadd T^T sooo sorrryy iff im nott on muchhh x'''C also OMGGG im tiredd of hearingg argumentz about Scamp!!!!! >:U OMGGG urr charries cannt gett withh a original character of a showw!!!! Dx xP likke balto, jenna, scamp,spirit, all dogs go to heaven, oliver nd company!!!! xP sooo stopp itt urr charries cannt ndd iff uu doo anyy onne cann makke them withh eachh otherr itt donnt mattter :P
создатель: CrystalNi...

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Для создания этой картины "lady and the tramp 2 angel" было использовано 6 рисунков.
hot red dot glitter
Sfondo_-by Frafry14-
hot pink dot glitter
☺glitter fill :)
petals transparent deco vintage pink [1ֆ]
Word art,7.©Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ...hïρρÿсhïсќ33



EspioXVanessa... пишет:

4448 дней назад

bitani49 пишет:

4519 дней назад
she is super cute!!! I love the originality of the charrie Love  Jenna<3

EspioXVanessa... пишет:

4519 дней назад

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