Independence and Angel when they first met

Independence and Angel when they first met
Angel was walking back to the junkyard, Scamp had just told her he was in love with another girl, she felt hurt and betrayed Angel: Stupid Scamp how could you do this to me?! She jumped up on her perch only to find it was taken by a green female dog with pink eyeshadow and clear blue eyes Angel: Hey move it you! This is my spot! The girl looked at her cooly Independence: Why should I ahve to move I was here first! Angel: Whatever who are you anyways? You llok like the girl my boyfriend said he was crazy in love with! Independence: My name is Independence and Scamp is your boyfriend? He said that he found you annoyng because you tried to make him be a housepet!You can't force someone to do something they don't want to do! Thats not how a relationship works! Angel: My name's Angel and yes Scamp is MINE! All mine! So stay away from him you hear me!And I don't give a flying fadoodle about what you say he belongs to me! Independence: Sorry but I love him and I don't want to give him up!And besides don't you care about what Scamp feels? You upset him a lot and his dad was mean to him and his woners forced him to do stuff he didn't want to do! Angel snarled at her Angel: I don't care what you say or how Scamp feels eitherI was Scamp' s girlfriend first not you so go find someone else! And besides his family loves him they miss him! Independence: Yeah I know but its his choice whether or want he wants a be a junkyard dog or a housepet! And I let him choose! If he wants to go be a housepet I'll go with him! I don't care wither way as long as hes happy I'm happy! Don't you understand?! Its not all about you its about him too! Angel: Whatever girl but if I see you near him again I will kill you understand? Independence: Whatever I'm off! Independence jumps down and runs off to find Scamp, Angel snorts and shakes her head Angel: What a loser!
создатель: Regentvice

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Для создания этой картины "when we first met" было использовано 5 рисунков.
Gold Starry Glitter Background__
sky star night purple black space background
pink glitter
Simple Light Blue Pattern



Regentvice пишет:

4278 дней назад
Hey , hey no fighting on my comments or profile!

EspioXVanessa... пишет:

4278 дней назад
Shut Up Jordan,No One Likes U

Daisy991 пишет:

4278 дней назад
I like Independence because she's pretty!

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