mcdonalds is gross

mcdonalds is gross
YOU HEARD ME PEEPS! THATS RIGHT GO AHEAD AND EAT IT... AND DIE!!! it is the truth watch the movie supersize you will be surprised on what happen. oopsy doopsy daisys i already told you. poop. oh and isnt that guy dancing hot? i know, right? he is my dad. HA! jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk yeah. if you dont understand first sentence read the title maybe youll get it or maybe your an idiot who knows......... OMG it is 4:07 and i am watching dave the barbarien and i think shanley is "resting her eyes".OMG!!!!!! when shanley was 1/2 sleeping i started talking to her and i did it like 1000000000000 times and one time she started picking her nose and then she rubbed the snotty snot all over me wich was disturbing. right now a draon captured dave and tied him up like a puppet and dressed him like a clown and started making him slap himself in the face. it was funny...NOT! wow i am hi-stericle. i spelled that wrong. Oh goly gosh! it is 4:11!now dave is mad at candy for some reason but she is as brown as a chocolate cake so yeah she is kinda ugly that way. ooooooooooooooooo! camp rocks theme song is on! yay. i love that movie it is awesome. check out all my blingees they are adding up by the minute possibly. 4:13! wow i havnt slept a winky dink and i am not that tired kinda. i am talking about random stuff arent i? to bad suck it up you have to deal with it loser. jk lol. wow this is alot of stuff but it is kinda fun. never shall i type again my fingers are so tired but i dont care. would you? i will ignore all answers to that question! how fun! okay me and shanley started singing kereoke and then we decided to put on a concert for my mom but we only did one song yesterday so we are doing more songs tnight when we gey back from old sturbridge village and we do fallin really good i mean REALLY GOOD! it is amazing for 2 10 yr olds. wow. you are probably so tired of reading right now it is insane. i can turne this into a novel if i really want to. but i dont so sorry for getting you exited. yup. i love writing the word yup. yup ypu yupyupyupyupyupyupyupyupyup he he. okay that is enough. i probably should go now because you will die of old age before you finish this, bye. jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk it is not over i am still here and writing now i do like french fries but they are fattning. and that guy dancing is pretty gross isnt he? i think i might marry him. he is to hot to touch. jk lol.check out my profile. i did the mia thing my self and it was so hard! the ABC son i might change though. leave a comment on how hot the guy dancing is from 1-10 plz. oh yeah at old sturbridge village me and shanley almost tepped on horse poop! and it smelled in the house like rotten poop. sometimes they where making cheese and it smelled disgusting.we went to a theater thing and a guy was telling us about electing a president after george washington or one of those guys.then he sang a son about a drunk guy. me and shanley played tug of war and lost. we where on the french team. we were going to take a picture dressesd up as those people in a kitchen but my camera had no more room and shanley forgot hers. poop. we where going to make a blingee out of it. we will have to get a normal picture. hey check the search button right under your goodie bag when you are making a blingee and type shanley and her stamp will come up. we tried it. it is supposed to rain this week but it is all sparkle and shinish. but i get to swim in my pool!:)! wow this is long but i am not stopping now so keep reading mua ha ha haha!my doggie is so cute i need to make a blingee of him he is the picture king.he would make a peaice of poop look good if he were standing next to it. jk. wow bad joke i am turning into my mom.jk. oh my god another bad joke! stop the madness! i better stop typing so i dont scare anyone so bye. <3 mia hi mom
создатель: blingergi...

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Sharihall64 пишет:

4978 дней назад
LOL, so funny, in a gross kinda way. 

MeLLysA98 пишет:

5090 дней назад
How can I make a movie Blingee? It's ok your Blingee!! Please answer my questio!!!

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