The porcelain doll~BBP

The porcelain doll~BBP
URBAN LEGEND A teenage girl, popular, rich, and happy, was walking through a store with her mom and saw a beautiful porcelain doll, which would look great with her collection. She demanded that her mother buy it for her. He mother agreed, and got it for her. As soon as the girl returned home, she unpacked the doll and set it on a stand above her bed. She then left her room and went out with her friends. When she got home, it was late and she was tired. She went to her room, put on her pajama's and tucked herself into bed. When she woke up the next morning, she saw a note attached to her lamp beside her bed. It was from her mother, telling her they'd be out of town until next Sunday. She yawned and noticed that her cheek was sore, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She got dressed and went to school. This went on for a few days until she woke up and her cheek was extremely sore. She decided she'd check it out in a minute or two, then went about her room, picking out what she would wear. She finally decided and walked over to her full body mirror and noticed a large, ugly lump on her cheek. Figuring it was a pimple, she squeezed it... and felt something moving. All of the sudden, spiders began pulling themselves out of the lump. She screamed, but since there was no one home in her huge house, nobody heard her. She tore at the spiders but there were millions... and she died of the poison in their bites. Apparently... there was a nest of spiders in the porcelain doll she'd gotten. Story submitted online by Kero
создатель: Darklinga...

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Использованные штампы Blingee

Для создания этой картины "chucky the killer doll" было использовано 16 рисунков.
black vintage
3-Draw Night Stand .=^_^=.
King Size Bed .=^_^=.
gothic doll
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dark spider
black and red frame



chiquitaus пишет:

5459 дней назад

chiquitaus пишет:

5459 дней назад
Wicked and Fantastic Job...

bigdaddyweakley пишет:

5462 дня назад
Congrats cassie, this is the most fantastic story bling, u go girl!

hel888en пишет:

5469 дней назад
Scary...I Feel Like I Should Be Sitting Around A Campfire or At A Slumber Party...LOL...Love It...Debbie


5470 дней назад
Oh I love how you did this! OOH Creepy spiders lol!

maryannesabatino пишет:

5475 дней назад
This is sensational Cass.

granny97 пишет:

5475 дней назад
what an amazing and gorgeous bling!!! you did all the details that made it come to life...or death I guess..poor girl!  great urban legend ...

RedHeadsRule пишет:

5475 дней назад
You did such fantastic work on this Bling! The urban legend, which has been told in various formats, is a great reminder to kids to not be brats and demand things in the store! lol There's always a moral to the story, isn't there? ha hahahaha (evil laughter)

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