Severus Snape

_♥_♥___♥_ ♥_  Put this                     
♥___♥_♥___♥    heart
_♥Severus♥_ on your      
__♥ ____♥__  page if
___♥___♥___  you love
____♥_♥___Severus Snape 
_____♥ ____

_♥_♥___♥_ ♥_  Put this                     
♥___♥_♥___♥    heart
_♥  lily  ♥_ on your      
__♥ ____♥__  page if
___♥___♥___  you love
____♥_♥___lily evans  
_____♥ ____

Snape & Lily
You weren’t the only one who lost someone that night Potter. I lost the love of my life.

VOTE FOR SNAPE. Think back to Harry's very first potions class. Without Snape, there would be no speech about bottling fame and brewing glory. Without Snape, there would be no "Harry Potter... our new celebrity". Without Snape, Harry would have nearly been killed during his first quidditch match. Without Snape, there would be no "Turn to page 394!". Without Snape, there would be no spy for the Order and the Order would've been in the dark about most of Voldemort's plans. Without Snape, Harry wouldn't have passed sixth year Potions. Without Snape, there would be no "Always". Snape is our tragic hero. He is the Half Blood Prince. For seven books, he confused us, angered us, made us laugh, and in the end, made us cry like no other character in the series did. Take Snape out of the books and you have nothing. Half of the plots in the series revolve around him. Without Snape, the series is a little less interesting. Snape is by far, one of the most complex characters in the series and the sixth book is even named after him. Snape was the bravest man Harry ever knew and also, the bravest man we ever knew. Snape constantly put himself in danger by being a double agent, but did it anyway even though most of the time he hated it. He showed us that not all Slytherins were bad and that sometimes, Hogwarts sorts too soon. He carried out and completed all his promises to Dumbledore and Lily and ending up dying because of it. He died fighting the good fight. He died Dumbledore's man through and through. He died a brave man. He died for love. He lived a tragic life and didn't have the chance to live the life he wanted. Vote for Snape for the character you love. Vote for Snape so that he can rest in peace. And finally, vote for Snape for yourself.


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