Emotional status : Shit

 I'm a 15 year old kid and I'm from Romania ;)Nothing special 'bout meh XD
Personal information 

•Name: Danna
•Age: 15
•Friends: A few here and there XD
•Crush: .... *siiiiiiiiiiigh*
•Boyfriend: Sick! no!
•Favorite movies: Supernatural ,F.R.I.E.N.D.S , Family guy , South Park, Smosh  , The good son , Two and a half men , Unbeatable Banzuke ,Suite life on Deck , and many horror movies XD
•Favorite songs\bands : All Simple plan songs , One republic , Owl city , LMNT , Jensen Ackles , Blue , Rasscal Flatts , Declan Galbraith, Dvedays ,Jon Cozart, Green day, Alex goot , Jake Coco  etc XD
•Things I like: Food , rain , storms ,horror movies ,Cats , hanging out with awesome people ,Being alone
•Things I hate : Pink stuff , chick flick stuff , girly stuff , girls , myself :3
•Favorite youtubers : Shane dawson , Joey Graceffa , Davedays , Luke Conard , Somsh , Tyler Oakley , Troye Sivan , Danisnotonfire , AmazingPhil

my RP characters 


Clyde: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/131385969-Clyde?owner=scampskey89

Cleo: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/132126986

Damian : http://blingee.com/blingee/view/133138966

kyle: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/133148937

Craig : http://blingee.com/blingee/view/130450728

Tanni: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/130946966-Tanni?owner=scampskey89

Nathan: http://blingee.com/blingee/view/132714923


Dados estatísticos

  • Vezes em destaque: 0
  • Distintivos: 65
  • Blingees de ouro: 2
  • Blingees de prata: 87
  • Contribuições de carimbos: 0
  • Cartões postais: 0

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coolguyz13 disse:

2031 dias atrás
Hiii buddy I'm back

bitani49 disse:

3211 dias atrás
Its been an awesome 9 years of blingee, hope we get to keep in touch even after it closes down :) Here are some places where you can find me outside of blingee. I'm online almost all the time on Skype, Deviantart and Facebook though! but I'll get on everything from time to time :)

-Facebook: Gabrielle Pattinson Jonas

-Skype: Bitani49

-Deviantart: Bitani49

-Tumblr: Bitani49

-Youtube: Bitani49

-PS3: Bitani49

-Wattpad: Bitani49

Viceregent disse:

3605 dias atrás
I don't know where it got posted but one of my friends reported it.. I'm still mad though,it's not cool to steal someone's art and not credit it!

Viceregent disse:

3605 dias atrás
Oh well thanks for thinking so even though that is not true at all! But no I don't have an Instagram.. Although speaking of Instagram some idiot stole one of my pics of Indy and didn't credit me! Now I know how it feels to have art stolen, it sucks!

Viceregent disse:

3606 dias atrás
No she's not mean to me but she definitely is prettier than me.. I'm sure 99.9% of every girl in my school is prettier than I am.. Trust me even compared to my own sister I'm ugly

Viceregent disse:

3607 dias atrás
He doesn't know she likes him! And the thing shes a really pretty girl much prettier than me and they are friends... I don't mind them being friends but she keeps following him everywhere! He said he's not interested in her like that though..

Viceregent disse:

3607 dias atrás
We've been great and our relationship has been stronger and more loving than ever! We talked stuff over and he said he only loves me and he's just trying to make friends so that's good.. Though one girl named Katy keeps flirting with him though..

Viceregent disse:

3607 dias atrás
Thanks I'm trying very hard to be strong.. It's not easy though and I admit there has been a few times I've been kinda hostile.. Right now more than anything I need Andrew's support and love to help me through this

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