do you like cats?

書き込み: 5090日 前
please tell me if you like cats.
書き込み: 5060日 前
I am craazzy about cats ♥♥♥
書き込み: 5033日 前
of course
書き込み: 5023日 前
I love them much much much :-)
書き込み: 4570日 前
Oh my goodness! YES! I am the biggest Cat Lover Fan!~ I have two now! Since I live in a tiny one bedroom apt, I only shared my life with my blue eyed flame point simese, MILO~! Well, cat lovers, when another kitty has no home 'n is sweet 'n a GIRL, what do you do? A foster for awhile, but I knew in my heart, she would fit right in and Milo loves her!~ Milo is fantastic, but it's just not complete without a girl kitty! Mallee is so lovable!~ They get along so well too!!
書き込み: 4019日 前
Love them with all my heart! <3
書き込み: 3142日 前
Yes I do!:)I have 4 cats,1 is 14 years,and 3 are 5 months now,and further i love all kinds of cats:)
書き込み: 1723日 前
I don't have any cats of my own, but i'm a huge fan of some cat cartoon characters (especially the sanrio character 'hello kitty', i literally obsess over her time to time LOL she's probably my main exposure to the world of cats xD I also like her pet cat, charmmy kitty, a lot, too, and she's like a more typically cat like version of hello kitty. All pictures of her are so fancy and girly too ;3 i love them).

I was a more typical cat person as a kid. But yeah not living with them, i still love them, but I do seem to be attracted to some cat characters (like hello kitty) more in general nowadays.

Hello Kitty is so cute! I wonder if others in this group like her too? :)

I wouldn't say she's much like a typical cat overall, but she's still indeed a kitty, and has the general cuteness of one^^