
I'm very envied by....unfortunately....but fortunate for me I cud give a 2 shits about what anyone has to say behind my bacc cuz they won't say the shit in my face cuz they know!.......
Anyways......Well.....My bday is august 8th....I'm in the 8th grade and I go to LCCS....
I love football and I'm very athletic. 
My favorite colors are red,black and pink.
I love singing, dancing and writing.
I'm outgoing and mostly up to try anything new.
Ummmmmmm.......I have little friends cuz I've been through so much and now careful of who I am close 2.
I plan on when I get older to still be a model,actor and to continue playing football and maybe be a real football star one day....But most of all a lawyer. 
I plan on having atleast 2 kids...
Im lezbian, so im going to adopt.
I plan on living in a nice nighborhood with lots of kids and activites and nice care'n people with my my wife and our kids......but then again idk...I've got a long way 2 go....
Maybe things will change....but thats life....
Im gonna live to deal with it sooner or later.

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  • Contribuições de carimbos: 1
  • Cartões postais: 0



CCiara1994 disse:

5887 dias atrás
Chillaxin...Living life...What u doin?


5904 dias atrás
 h3y wad u doin

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